ict.brac.net - BRAC ICT - HOME

Keywords: bangladesh, research, php, enterprise, asia, project, partners, dotnet, brac, technology

afsp.brac.net - Agriculture and Food Security

Keywords: secondary schools, primary schools, inclusive education, adolescent development, pre-primary schools, peer mentoring, Education Su...

cep.brac.net - Community Empowerment

Keywords: women, community radio, Local Governance, stopping violence, psychosocial support, popular theatre, Community Institutions, polli ...

decc.brac.net - BRAC Disaster Management and Climate Change

Keywords: pakistan, bangladesh, philippines, climate change, social development, Nepal, human rights, Myanmar, brac, sierra leone

education.brac.net - Education

Keywords: secondary schools, primary schools, inclusive education, adolescent development, pre-primary schools, peer mentoring, Education Su...

gender.brac.net - BRAC: Gender Justice and Diversity

Keywords: gender equality

health.brac.net - Health, nutrition and population – BRAC

Keywords: bangladesh, youth, brac, women empowerment, legal aid, health, school, education

hrls.brac.net - Human rights and legal aid services – BRAC

Keywords: bangladesh, youth, brac, women empowerment, legal aid, health, school, education

microfinance.brac.net - Microfinance

Keywords: savings, microloans, Agriculture Loans, cashless branch, safesave, digital financial services, emergency finance, small enterprise...

roadsafety.brac.net - BRAC Road Safety Programme

Keywords: pakistan, bangladesh, philippines, climate change, social development, opportunities, Nepal, human rights, Myanmar, brac