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Birth Chart is known as Rasi Chart or Natal Chart. Most of the Vedic astrologers following this Rasi chart to analyze future predictions of life. A birth chart represented by various names such Kundli or Jathakam or Jathaka or Rasi circle or Rasi cha...

Advanced Interpretation of Vedic Astrology Birth Chart predicts High & Low Phase,Mind Fluctuations,Best & Worst Period,Job/Business/Love Cycles & Reading

Indian Astrology provides free Hindu Vedic Astrology Birth chart, Love compatibility chart, daily, monthly, Annual Horoscope 2020 reading based on Moon Sign by Indian Vedic Astrologer.

Vedic Astrology Online with Instant horscope charts for Birth date, Marriage Matching, Proffessional and Career.

Vedic Astrologer Shyamasundara Dasa, the authoritative guide in all matters of Vedic Astrology: Birth Charts, Prashna, Matchmaking, Muhurta, AstroCartoGraphy; Relocation. And lectures on Bhagavat dharma and Gaudiya Vaisnavism.