Frequently asked questions

Is it free?

Yes, it is absolutely free. You can use this button on any of your personal or commercial sites.

Is it safe for my site and its visitors?

Our button is not a spyware/adware. It contains no exceptional code and cannot damage your site visitors software or hardware in any way. Javascript used in the button is tested for almost every browser and cannot cause any problems to your website.

Who takes care of bookmarking services rating?

Our system is always gathering statistics of service usage. Every day it recalculates service positions based on statistics for each country.

How does system calculate bookmarking service rating for my website?

If any bookmarking service has explicitly high usage statistics for your site, it will be ranked higher than others for all countries.

What if my site’s visitor native language is not yet supported by Web-Informer system?

He will see the button in default language (English) and general ratings calculated for all countries. Once the visitor from unknown country uses button, our system will start to collect statistics for that new country.