pennapps.challengepost.com - PennApps: The World's Premier College Hackathon - Devpost

ondeckcupny.challengepost.com - On Deck Cup - New York City: Innovative projects that improve how we follow, analyze and enjoy sports! - Devpost

app4mi.challengepost.com - App4Mi: Hai una buona idea per utilizzare gli open data del Comune di Milano ? Realizzala con App4MI OPEN CONTEST e vinci! … non perderti inoltre gli appuntamenti formativi dell’ App4MI OPEN CAMPUS - ...

batterup.challengepost.com - Baseball Coin Design Competition: Batter up! Pitch your coin design today. : The United States Mint is looking for artists to step up to the plate to design the heads side for the 2014 National Baseba...

legislative-data-mapping.challengepost.com - Legislative XML Data Mapping: A legislative data challenge to assess the compatibility of Akoma Ntoso with U.S. Congress and U.K. Parliament markup languages. - Devpost