freecoin.ch - AlgoSov - Observatory on Algorithmic Sovereignty.

Keywords: research, events, observatory, sovereignty, practices, participants, algorithm, technology, people, governance

Sites previously hosted on this IP:

dyne.org - Digital Community and Free Software Foundry

Daily visitors: 6 053

Keywords: open, creative, gnu, know, linux, Software, diy, Hacker, how, source

dynebolic.org - Dynebolic | Liberate yourself from mental slavery and try something different on your computer.

Keywords: gnu, opensource, copyleft, linux live cd, rasta, afro, Software, development, South, gpl

dcentproject.eu - D-CENT

Keywords: dcent, d cent, d5 crypto, crypto d5

rastasoft.org - RASTASOFT :: Libre software, Rasta Redemption

Keywords: gnu, opensource, copyleft, rasta, afro, Software, development, South, gpl, Hacktivism

jaromil.dyne.org - Denis "Jaromil" Roio - Inventor, Ph.D.

Keywords: open, commons, art, net, Software, digital, Hacker, data, kunst, org

libbitcoin.dyne.org - libbitcoin - modular, scalable, async

files.dyne.org - Index of files.dyne.org/

frei0r.dyne.org - Frei0r - free video effect plugin collection

Keywords: open, gnu, plugin, Filter, effect, source, free, Video

heads.dyne.org - Welcome to heads! | heads