biocuckoo.org - The CUCKOO Workgroup

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Keywords: ppsp, download ibs, phosphorylation site prediction, gps 2.0, gps sumo

microkit.biocuckoo.org - MiCroKiTS - An Integrated Database of Midbody, Centrosome, Kinetochore, Telomere and Spindle

gps.biocuckoo.org - The CUCKOO Workgroup

arm.biocuckoo.org - GPS-ARM 1.0 - Prediction of D-boxes and KEN-boxes

sumosp.biocuckoo.org - GPS-SUMO: Prediction of SUMOylation Sites & SUMO-interacting Motifs

yno2.biocuckoo.org - GPS-YNO2 - Prediction of Tyrosine Nitration Sites

igps.biocuckoo.org - iGPS - Prediction of site-specific kinase-substrate relations from phosphoproteomic data

sbm.biocuckoo.org - GPS-SBM 1.0 - Prediction of SUMO-binding Motifs

csspalm.biocuckoo.org - The CUCKOO Workgroup

ibs.biocuckoo.org - The CUCKOO Workgroup