notizblog.org - notizBlog – a weblog mainly about the open, portable, interoperable, small, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social we...

Keywords: google, wordpress, openid, microformats, oauth, hcard, mikroformate, dataportability, rdfa, firefox

palupas.de - Badelatschen selbst gestalten & bedrucken mit Foto | palupas

Keywords: bedrucken, selbst gestalten, Badelatschen, personalisieren, individualisieren, ZEHENTRENNER, palupas

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Keywords: forum, anleitung, gameserver, twitch, minecraft, game, Games, youtube, play, tutorial

yiiframework.de - Yii Framework Deutschland - Performantes, Sicheres und Professionelles Web 2.0 PHP Framework

Keywords: php, Tutorials, yii, yii framework, Jobs, internet, framework, yiiframework

doenselmann.com - Michis Blog - Technology | Bits | Bytes | More

Keywords: MacOS, VPN, nas, synology, openvpn, KeePass, PowerShell, crypto, ios, Apple

mcnesium.com - mcnesium

Keywords: weechat, marusha drogen, lobo marusha, flixbus gepack gorsser

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Keywords: php array shift, array shift php, hilarious comparisons, php array right shift, dice o matic

jwiese.eu - Startseite - Johannes Wiese

Keywords: audio router, unity android emulator, driversetuputility, driver setup utility, phaser 3 background color

notiz.blog - notizBlog – a weblog mainly about the open, portable, interoperable, small, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social we...

blog.doenselmann.com - Michis Blog - Technology | Bits | Bytes | More

Keywords: MacOS, VPN, nas, synology, openvpn, KeePass, PowerShell, crypto, ios, Apple