This email address is associated
with 1 registrants:

  • Name

    Patr?cia Carnietto Nunes

  • Company

    FEPAF Funda??o de Est. e Pesq. Agr?colas e Florest

CAS - Certificação Aeroagrícola Sustentável

As Patr?cia Carnietto Nunes of FEPAF Funda??o de Est. e Pesq. Agr?colas e Florest since December, 2019

As Patr?cia Carnietto Nunes of FEPAF Funda??o de Est. e Pesq. Agr?colas e Florest since November, 2023

  • Name

    Patr?cia Carnietto Nunes

  • Company

    FEPAF Funda??o de Est. e Pesq. Agr?colas e Florest

  • Address


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