This email address is associated
with 1 registrants:

  • Name

    Roberto Romeo

  • Company

    Michiko Rehearsal Studios Inc.

  • Phone number


  • Address

    149 West 46th Street 3rd Floor New York NY 10036 US thumbnail

Michiko Studios - Michiko Rehearsal Studios

Daily visitors:534

As Roberto Romeo of Michiko Rehearsal Studios Inc. since February, 2018 thumbnail

Discover a new kind of university in NYC, comprising a world-renowned design school, liberal arts college, performing arts college, and graduate schools.

Daily visitors:26 022

Child safety:Excellent


More info

  • Name

    Roberto Romeo

  • Company

    Michiko Rehearsal Studios Inc.

  • Phone number


  • Address

    149 West 46th Street 3rd Floor New York NY 10036 US

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