01.org - Open Ecosystem

Daily visitors: 18 695

Keywords: linux kernel, 01, open standards, Community Projects, open hardware, intel, development community, community initiatives, open sof...

intel.it - Simplify Your AI Journey – Intel

Daily visitors: 14 599

Keywords: intel driver, intel, intel homepage, intel home, wifi 6, intel xeon scalable soluzioni datacenter

intel.ru - Communications

Daily visitors: 8 813

Keywords: intel, Communications, intel hd graphics, букварный период, intel nuc, центр управления графикой intel, intel graphics control pan...

intel.ca - Simplify Your AI Journey – Intel

Daily visitors: 5 875

Keywords: intel, intel homepage, intel home, intel nuc, intel optane, optane memory, intel optane memory

intel.co.uk - Simplify Your AI Journey – Intel

Daily visitors: 5 074

Keywords: mini pc, intel, intel driver update, intel homepage, intel home, intel chipset drivers, psu for gaming pc

openvino.ai - Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit

Daily visitors: 3 560

Keywords: openvino toolkit, human vision applications

acpica.org - Overview of ACPI Component Architecture (ACPICA)

Daily visitors: 1 602

Keywords: APM, power management, acpi, bios, Advanced Power Management, acpica, acpi spec, acpica-tools, acpi 6.0, ACPI Component Architectu...

sigopt.com - SigOpt Open Source Solutions

Daily visitors: 1 068

Keywords: machine learning, Model Tuning, random search, grid search, sigopt, hyperparameter tuning, Bayesian optimization, expected improve...

threadingbuildingblocks.org - GitHub - uxlfoundation/oneTBB: oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)

Keywords: tbb, intel tbb, tbb library, tbb parallel_for, tbb concurrent queue, tbb parallel_for example

movidius.com - Intel® Core™ Ultra Processors

Keywords: intel core, Intel processor, movidius, intel movidius, movidius neural compute stick, neural compute stick, intel movidius neural ...