Top 10 free online chats websites

Feeling lonely or simply want to talk? If you have no one to chat to, click the links below and find new interesting acquaintances. Here is the collection of sites which connect people from all over the world.

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Club Cooee is a free 3D chat community. Meet & chat with new friends. Dress up your 3D Avatar. Create and decorate your 3D chat rooms. Play games.


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Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.



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There are many strangers to talk on Internet. You can meet people from whole around the world on World Chat Online.


Daily visitors:267

African Chat City gets you closer to the continent and its people, meet all sorts of Africans from various countries and areas and meet someone really special today!, African Chat City

More useful websites related to free online chats

Here we provide more interesting websites that are somewhat related to free online chats, as well as sites referring to free, online and chats separately.

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