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The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy.

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Genealogy Census Records and CD ROMs. Wide offering of available data listed by country, region and year.

Use this TimeLine Format to find ages, names, and birthdates from 1800 to 1850 US Census Data

Find your ancestors in the U.S. census, and International census, with these free online census records, census images, census indexes and census databases in our easy to use census directory.

Welcome to The USGenWeb Census Project web site at, where we are striving to achieve excellence in providing FREE access to all Federal and Special Census transcriptions utilizing the talents and efforts of an all volunteer Project.

1790 Census to 1930 Census — 1930 Census: FREE genealogy resources for U.S. Federal Census research. Detailed tips and guidance on all U.S. Census, 1790-1930 and countdown to 1940 census.