digitalmeetsculture.net - Digital meets Culture | Art, heritage & technologies

Daily visitors: 267

Keywords: culture, project, technologies, multi platform, Preservation, digital culture, google art, art, digital, Digital Art

riches-project.eu - RICHES PROJECT

Daily visitors: 267

Keywords: intangible heritage, cultural institutions, Intangible cultural heritage, intangible culture, tangible and intangible heritage

promoter.it - Promoter - Information technology, research & innovation

Keywords: research, culture, ibusiness promoter, business promotion, Information Technology, Project Management, digital, ict, consultancy, ...

photoconsortium.net - International Association for the promotion of Photographic Heritage | Photoconsortium Association

Keywords: Pagode, generalitat de catalunya, retronaut, fortepan, luce cinecittà

reach-culture.eu - Reach Culture

Keywords: Univerzita Karlova, Universita Karlova, ancient history encyclopedia, open heritage, rural heritage youtube

europeana-space.eu - Europeana Space, Best Practice Network | Spaces of possibility for the creative reuse of digital cultural content

Keywords: fcsh, Europeana, waag society, preforma, rights clearance

civic-epistemologies.eu - Development of a Roadmap for Citizen Researchers in the Digital Culture | Civic Epistemologies

Keywords: civic epistemology, mise gov, milena dobreva, hungarian national library, national széchényi library

open-heritage.eu - OPEN Heritage

uncharted-culture.eu - Uncharted – Understanding, Capturing and Fostering the Societal Value of Culture

resources.riches-project.eu - RICHES Resources